Monday, 20 June 2016

My Reading task

A reading task is question about the book you were reading also to test your brain. The types of questions are: what some words means or what the character is feeling. It also means what you know about the story. You can read through the story you're reading to get your answer's back on track. The book I was doing my reading task on was Nelson is kidnapped. I enjoyed using my brain to get my answer's right. The learning muscle I use to get out of the learning pit was my perseverance muscle because I never gave up, I kept going on.

Nelson is Kidnapped
By Beverley Randell

WALT use what we know and clues in the text to understand what we are reading and the meaning of different words.

Explain what the word plain means.

Plain means a field
What does ‘a solid fence of legs’ mean?

It means Nelson is in the middle and the elephants  legs are crowding him with there legs
Explain what distressed means.
It means worried
Why were Nelson’s mother and aunt distressed?
Because Nelson was kidnapped
What does advanced mean?
It means to approach
What is another word/s you could use instead of advanced?
“The ground shook under their heavy feet as they advanced.

Thursday, 16 June 2016


On Wednesday Totara  was learning lots of  ways we can celebrate Matariki. If you don't know what the word Matariki means, it is the eldest sister in the seven stars family and it also means the Maori New Year.  It is about having fun with your family or friends and it is also all about going to places where you haven't been to.

Some of the things we did was the Tukutuku panels, sewing, carving, kites, stones, cooking, mural art and weaving.

I didn't get what I wanted but who care's I had fun any way. This shows me using my perseverance muscle.

If you asked me what my favourite one of them are  it will be the kites because we got to work together with your school mate.

  The one that  I really wanted to really do was the mural art and the kites that I did well it was fun any way.

We also did some of our activities in pairs

 The learning muscle  I used to get out of the learning pit was  my perseverance muscle  because it was hard to tie the kites with the flax. The learning muscle I was stretching was noticing muscle because I didn't know how to tie it up with the flax but I noticed what my friends were doing.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Personal writing

A personal writing is a made up one or a one from your weekends. It is also about your imagination. I made up my story up. My story is about two princess and mother and father died but then one of the sisters had a baby. The princess gave her baby away to a nice young little 20 year old because the princess was sick and she couldn't get better so they thought she was going to die and she did. That's what my story was about. The hard thing for me on my writing is picking what I am going to write about. I really  enjoyed working on my work because it  made me a better writer.

Perspective Art

Perspective art is when you make things look close look far

The  4 things you need to know are.

1st Over lap not with your finger .

2nd It goes dark medium then light.

3rd  Black comes last .

4th  There has to be a horizon line and a vanishing point.

Those are the 4 things you need to know.

A  vanishing point is when your  road or river goes and you can't see it.

I am proud of my work because it really looks like it goes far.