Friday, 13 May 2016


HI I will be showing you my perimeter maths. perimeter is all about the outside of your play ground or whats on your play ground so if you put 5 up top of your perimeter that means you have to put 5 down bottom.Then you have to add them up  perimeter is cool to use in your maths because it helps you with your hard pluses . There is going to be a photo down bottom  show you what it meant  to  looks like.Now for me to work it out I spitted the tens and the ones.


Wednesday, 11 May 2016

I am poem

My blog post is going be about my I am poem

A I am poem is all about you. It starts with I am and then you write what you are. Now I am is important because it comes over and over about three times in your I am poem and it is the most important part about you.  There will be the word for you to get started. Now I am just going to tell you what was my fave part of working on my I am poem. It was to use the thesaurus to put word in my poem, this is my one.

I am…

Success Criteria
Use a thesaurus to choose the best vocabulary
Choose the best nouns for the poem
Choose the best adjectives to describe some nouns
Leave the reader thinking about your poem by sharing what it inside you

I am a dog lover
I wonder if I will ever have a broken arm
I hear the wind talking to me
I see the sun shining on me
I want a husky for my birthday
I am a dog lover
I pretend I am the best singer in the whole world
I feel the sun burning me
I touch the soft long grass though my toes
I worry if something will go bad in my life
I cry when somebody calls me names
I am a dog lover
I understand when people don't want to talk about their feelings
I say what is  on my mind
I dream of baby huskies are licking me on the face
I try my best at maths,reading,writing
I hope I have a great life when I grow up
I am a dog lover