Monday 20 June 2016

My Reading task

A reading task is question about the book you were reading also to test your brain. The types of questions are: what some words means or what the character is feeling. It also means what you know about the story. You can read through the story you're reading to get your answer's back on track. The book I was doing my reading task on was Nelson is kidnapped. I enjoyed using my brain to get my answer's right. The learning muscle I use to get out of the learning pit was my perseverance muscle because I never gave up, I kept going on.

Nelson is Kidnapped
By Beverley Randell

WALT use what we know and clues in the text to understand what we are reading and the meaning of different words.

Explain what the word plain means.

Plain means a field
What does ‘a solid fence of legs’ mean?

It means Nelson is in the middle and the elephants  legs are crowding him with there legs
Explain what distressed means.
It means worried
Why were Nelson’s mother and aunt distressed?
Because Nelson was kidnapped
What does advanced mean?
It means to approach
What is another word/s you could use instead of advanced?
“The ground shook under their heavy feet as they advanced.

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